Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Release - A Thing of Beauty - Lisa Samson

Dear Readers,

Once and a while I forget how absolutely wonderful Lisa Samson's books are and then I read another one.  They are the type of books that make you wonder why you did not stop everything, sit down and start reading as fast you can.  Disappearing into a world that will make you laugh and cry in the same paragraph, make you want to move to the neighborhood and live there forever, right next door to your new best friend.  So when A Thing of Beauty by Lisa hit the shelves, that is what I wanted to do, but of course my boss had other plans for me that day.  Ah well, soon.

Fiona Hume walked away from Hollywood and stardom as soon as she  walked away from rehab.  She had big plans for her future, she was going to live an artist's life.  She bought a big house and started collecting items she wanted to use in her art projects. 

10 years later she has no art projects done except one piece of twine with a few buttons on it and a houseful of junk with potential.  What happened to her dream?  Desperate for money she rents out a room to local blacksmith Josia Yeu and slowly things begin to change for Fiona.

What an interesting storyline.  How many of us have dreams we wanted to do, but they just end up being something with potential and never acted on.  I for one can't wait to meet Fiona and walk with her on her journey of discovery.

Happy Reading,

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