Thursday, September 25, 2014

Jocelyn Green

Dear Readers,

There seems to be a large number of books about WWII and Civil War this year and I think I have read the majority of them.  J  I know each war has significant anniversaries this year and that always seems to generate more fiction books about them.  Jocelyn Green is one of the authors who have set their books during the Civil war, but she has been writing about that topic for a couple of years now.  She has won herself many fans who enjoy reading about the Civil War, but also readers who just enjoy a good book.  I kind of fall into both categories.   I love historical books, but they need to be good and even written from a unique perspective and Jocelyn seem to have that down.

Yankee 600In Yankee in Atlanta, book #3 in the Heroines behind the Lines – Civil War – Jocelyn writes about Caitlin, a woman who is fighting dressed as a man.  She is fighting on the side of the Union when she is wounded. Through a couple of mistakes she is thought to be southern when she is found.   She is not only suffering from a wound, she has typho- malarial fever.  She is now behind enemy lines, but an enemy that thinks she is one of them.   Will she be able to keep her identity a secret until she can either make her way north again or is rescued by an advancing army?

I think the thing that really got my interest in this book is that Caitlin’s storyline is not the only one going on.  Caitlin talks about a Jack and how she worries about him while he is fighting.  You are left for a bit to wonder who Jack is, but it is an important part of the story so I won’t tell you his story.  You will need to read it. 

Each story line could stand as a complete story on its own and yet Jocelyn weaves them together very well.  It means you travel around the war a bit, north and south, but I had no problem keeping the storylines straight.  I really liked how it all was brought together in the end.

Happy Reading.
P.S. She along with 4 other authors will be in our store Oct. 9th at 7:00 p.m.


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