Monday, May 16, 2011

New Releases May 9-14

Dear Readers,

Spring is finally arriving here in Michigan.  It was 70 this past weekend and you can tell.  Everywhere you look people are outside.  Walking, biking, and sitting on porches enjoying the wonderful weather.  It is weeks like this we in Michigan are almost ready to forgive Mother Nature for the past 4 or 5 months.  Not quite yet, but close.  It will take a couple more weeks of this before there is forgiveness, but we will get over the past winter and truly enjoy our months of summer. 

There are several authors on the list week that I can hardly wait till I get a chance to read.  They are on my list and I just need a couple nights where I can just sit and read. 

Happy Reading

Chasing Sunsets - Eva Marie Everson
Martha - Diana Wallis Taylor
Sweetest Thing - Elizabeth Musser
Hope Rekindled - Tracie Peterson - #3 in the Striking a Match series
The Lady of Bolton Hill - Elizabeth Camden
The Fisherman -Larry Huntsperger - Re-cover
The Seraph Seal - Leonard Sweet/Lori Wagner
The Soldier's Cross - Abigail J. Hartman

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