Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Dear Readers,

A bit of a different review today.  Just a few short weeks ago there was a splash in the Christian fiction world.  I don't know how many of you heard of the new publishing company starting with just the idea of printing fiction.  Yup only fiction.

Gilead is making fiction their only focus.  I know how exciting!  What this translates to you and I is that there will be more books for us to read.

I know there are tons of Indie books out there, but it turns out I am a snob when it comes to those books.  Yes, there are several really good books out there, but I feel like most of them need another edit or two to make them really good.  Places like Gilead will give those authors that chance to get started and to get a good launch into the publishing world.  Which in turns gives them a great start in the reading world.

I only know a few details and am including a couple links below to let you read about Gilead for yourself.  Personally I am looking forward to seeing what they release first.

Happy Reading,      

P.S.  the have already purchased Fantasy publisher Enclave.

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