Dear Readers,
I remember the trip my family took to Gettysburg when I was quite young. I want to say I was about 10 at the time, but am not entirely sure. There are a couple things I remember, one is the guy that was in charge of the campground we stayed at told us all about the ghost that were in the area. Now for us kids that was not what we wanted to hear, and I can remember my mother not being too happy with the guy for scaring us kids.
There were a few other things also, but I have always wanted to go back again to learn more. Well that trip will have to wait, in the mean time I can read books like Widow of Gettysburg by Jocelyn Green. It is book #2 in the Heroines Behind the Lines – Civil War. She wanted to give us different stories of what it is was like to be a woman caught up in the Civil War, whether because their husbands were off fighting or actually lived where the battles took place.
Liberty loses her farm to the Confederate army for an army hospital. Forcing her to face the suffering of the men wounded in battle. While she is struggling to find her future, her hired help Bella is finding her past. A former slave Bella is surrounded by Southern soldiers that remind her of what she used to be. Can these two women be able to pick up when the war moves on or will it defined them forever?
So until I can plan a trip back to Gettysburg, these book will have to do the trick and that is fine with me.
Happy Reading