Thursday, June 16, 2011

Diana Wallis Taylor

Dear Readers,
There are a few people in history that we all know by one name only.  Madonna, Cher, Bono, Oprah and for those with even just a small knowledge of the Bible, Martha. 
I have always wondered about Martha.  Most people view her in a negative way because Jesus actually corrects her after she makes a complaint to him.  So we mostly think of her as a work-a-holic who also happens to be a whiner.
Martha, , bpg9780800734657Martha by Diana Wallis Taylor got me thinking more and more about her.  Ok I can already hear the Bible scholars out there having a fit, just stay with me on this. 
I have always wondered what Martha's story really is.  Why is she single?  How old is she really?  Is it a bad thing she is single or was she only 15 or 16 and so far hadn't had been betrothed?  How did she really feel about what Jesus said to her in front of everyone? 
I will say this is a fictional book, but it did make me think more about this.  Martha would not be considered a heroine by any standards, but maybe she should.  She was doing what she did best, taking care of her family and guests.  She maybe even would have said she was doing God's work, but Jesus still told her that Mary was doing what was right.  To me that means it becomes more of a message of balance.  Yes we must be about the jobs he gives us to do, but we must also spend time with him.  Life is busy but time with HIm alone is way more important than anything else.
So without telling you much about this book, I am going to say that it is a good read.  I enjoyed it even though I kind of knew what was coming (we all know the story).  It is a quiet little story that really makes you look at the Bible story with new eyes.  There is something (for me anyways) that really puts a face on someone who is so familiar and yet I know so little about.
Happy Reading

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