Thursday, December 30, 2010

Richard Paul Evans

Dear Readers,
Most of you will be very familiar with Richard Paul Evans's name from a little book called the Christmas Box.  It was turned into a movie and he sold lots of them.  That one was followed by several others, with some turned into movies and some not.  They all ran along the same lines - very sentimental and tugging at the heart strings.
The Walk in some ways is the same as his others and yet is a bit different.  It is the start of a series of books for Richard.  The story line follows Alan who in a very short 6 weeks loses everything.  He decides in a short moment that he will walk from his home in Seattle Washington to Key West.  Which is as far as he can go and still be in the U.S.
In The Walk you go with Alan through all of the state of Washington.  When Alan sets out he doesn't really know what to expect, he just knows he has to get away.  He is angry at God, he is angry at his wife, he is just angry. 
The Walk: A Novel, , n9781439187319What I found the most interesting in the book was the different people that Alan meets along the way.  There are good people and not so good people.  There are ones who help him on his journey and there are othes that don't.  It is a bit like life that way.  We are either a help to other people or not.
Now I haven't suffered loss in as big of proportions as Alan, but I can relate to his wanting to just walk away from it all.  I think most of us have thought that at one time or another.  This story does not encourage that you run away from your problems, in fact it makes a good case that your problems actually just follow you. 
I am looking forward to his next book in the series, Miles to Go, due out April 5, 2011.
Happy Reading

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