Monday, November 26, 2012

New Releases

Dear Readers,

Thanksgiving has past and the Advent season is upon us.  It is always difficult for me to find the time to relax and just enjoy the season.  Sometimes I feel like I am running from one thing to the next through out the holidays.  I have to just say no to things and rest in the peace that is Christmas.  The problem is all the things/parties are with people I want to see and visit with.  Who do you say no to?

Happy Reading

Two Destinies - Nancy Musser - #3 of the Secrets of the Cross - It is now 1994 and the story of France and Algeria continues. 
The Matchmakers of Butternut Creek - Jane Myers Perrine - Gussie is the next victim in the sights of the matchmakers.
Material Witness - Vanette Chapman - #2 a Shipshewana Amish Mystery - (from the back cover) Buggies, Quilts and a cold-blooded murder.  It's just another day in Shipshewana.
Betrayal - Robin Lee Hatcher - #2 in Where the Heart Lives series - Even though Julia never wanted to marry again, she may have to, to save her ranch.
The Dean's Witch - Elizabeth Goudge - originally released in 1960 - An unlikely friendship leads to a spiritual awakening.
The Crossroads - W. Paul Young - Anthony is offered a gift from Jesus.  He will be able to heal one person and one person only. 
Come to the Table - Neta Jackson - #2 SouledOut Sisters - Kat is just learning that even deeds done with the best intentions can be a bad idea.
Fire of the Raging Dragon - #2 Pacific Rim Series - When President Surber's decision to go to war becomes personal can he stick to his choice to send his daughter into danger?


Vannetta Chapman said...

Hi Chris.

Material Witness is actually book 3 in this series. Book 1 was Falling to Pieces and Book 2 was A Perfect Square. Thanks so much for including me on your blog today!

Chris Jager - Baker Book House-fiction buyer said...

Oh rats. Thanks Vannetta for letting me know. I have no idea how I missed that. :-)