Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New Release - Lady Maybe - Julie Klassen

Dear Readers,

Julie Klassen is a very rare writer in my book.  She writes Regency Romance and I get excited every time one of her books releases.  What makes that rare is I am not a huge fan of Regency Romance and yet her books go straight to the To Be Read pile.

Lady Maybe by Julie is already on the pile.  I just haven't gotten to it yet.  I will and maybe soon.

Hannah only remembers the freezing water and then a hand reaching down to save her.  She remembers nothing else about the accident or how she got the the strange place she is staying in now.  She is being taken care of by wonderful people who are caring to her, but she has no idea who they are.

As fragments of the accident start to come back to her, she remembers a baby and a ring on her finger that tells her it is all a lie.  But what is the secret she is suppose to be keeping?

That is probably why I like Julie's books.  She puts a bit of a mystery in them.  Just enough to make them interesting.  But I am also sure it is the richness of her characters.  I know I am looking forward to reading the newest one soon.

Happy Reading,

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